What does the title means? The old IR profession evolves from the notion of “what others have done” which then becomes accepted general norms which surely worked fine five years ago, but may not now.
This BAUs may have been driven by external entities that has nothing to do with the institutional objective. Indirectly, they are the drivers that push what kind of reports that higher learning organizations need to complete. After spending all the time, energy, limited resources and effort, these institution still need to pay the annual membership fees? Some Schools have to complete more than 15 external surveys/data requests such as –VSA, QS CORE, AACU, CLAC, WUR, SAM, EDUCAUSE, VFA, NCCBP, Peterson’s, Kiplinger, USNEWS, College Board or CUPA …, etc just to name a few of them.
Honestly, if one institution has participated in this type of reporting activities, perhaps it is time to ask “Have these reports added any value to my institution?” or Have my first-year student retention rate steadily increased in the past 5 years? Or have my institution’s rank improved among the Silver group recipients in the PBM? One can quantify and apply IRI Analytics and check if the β estimate has changed as time passes? If not, then why continue on doing it? If they are exogenous in the system then chop it off!
Focus on what activities that add value to your institution, instead of following the “BAU norm” or because certain external organizations or Associations have dictated your institution what to do. AAEA has promoted the applications of ABC concepts in the new IR profession (IRI/Education Analytics). If you would like to know more about ABC applied in higher ed industry/profession, please let us know.