On November 13th, 2017 we wrote an article on our Blog which further analyzed the possibility of what had happened in CT, will occur in other states too. We all are aware what has happened in the State of IL. Budget problem, among other factors has made the institutions’ risk to go under to accelerate. This morning we learned that IL’s legislators were taking steps to lower the rate of students’ fleeing to attend out-of-state institutions. One of the reasons why prospects attended neighboring institutions is because of cheaper tuition and fees, which we have stated in point#2 and point#5 in our Nov 13th and past articles.
If things do not change quick enough, perhaps there will be a possibility that the State will follow the what has happened in the neighboring state.
As we have discussed before, offering a cheaper tuition is a game changer strategy. It boils down to efficiency, and this strategic issue can only be solved using the second generation of IRI as we have mentioned yesterday. Inefficiency will be the best strategy to adopt if institutions plan to accelerate its end-day. This dynamic shows that competitions have shifted from I-to-I (among institutions) to S-to-S (among states). Our prediction shown that the state of TN has the comparative advantages especially near Nashville (middle TN) areas, and may attract more out-of-state students to study and to stay in the state after their graduation. Three reasons support this testable hypothesis (1). State’s financial aid programs; (2). Plenty job opportunities and (3). No state income tax. Go Vols.