As currently as Community College Competitiveness Acts or Hukill’s bill, legislators and lawmakers alike have worked intensively to improve higher ed in the state of FL. Ranging from funding formula to the Board’s name changes. The Association has discussed such a potential change in its November’s BLOG article. Changes will not always bring everyone on board. This article is not about presenting different views, rather to discuss how different institutions under the System will be able to navigate the policy roller coaster, and survive. Unfortunately, to make a meaningful change, an institution needs to move fast, adaptable and has a rubber-band culture which will adjust to the new environment. Only those that have such characteristics will survive. Looking at the past ranking of the State Community Colleges listed under Performance Based Funding report card, it shows a pretty clear picture which institutions potentially may or may not survive the changes. For those selected few organizations who can overcome the BAU, they still need a clear direction of strategic-path that enables them to move toward the right direction. This strategic path can only be generated by IRI 2.0, and beyond IRI 1.0. IRI 1.0 will supplies the strategic information which then can be used further in IRI 2.0.