This BLOG article tries to make it clear for the college students who are thinking or in the process of enrolling in the program as this article has described. In another attempt, a lawmaker has proposed to link students’ future pay check with the loans repayment program.
The Association has described many times, that the student loans issue can be solved only if the root of the problem is addressed logically, honestly and methodologically. US student loans explosion has been caused by expensive cost of education, period. Our research results show administrative expenses make up about 40% of the whole cost. The two loan repayment programs essentially do not address the root of the issues. It seems okay, but really not. Linking loan repayment with future income overlooks and ignores the whole reason behind the current $1.35 trillion student loans. It seems that the whole linking ideas are borrowed from the mortgage loans. While one may have the potential for a capital gain from the property that he or she buys–that never happens with student loans. Potentially, if one’s earning increases, so does the repayment amount. However, some States have realized that operational inefficiency from state-owned higher ed needs to be improved.