Time for Making Changes or Going Bankrupt

A few weeks ago, the Association has written an article to examine the behaviors and motivations of the College administrators.  The conclusions of our analyses point to several interesting results and one of them is that “their interests may not necessarily be inline/consistent to those of the public’s, students’ and their family members’ objectives”.

Recently, there are clear evidences show that lawmakers in each state finally saw (after so many years) the need to listen to their constituents’ outcries.   For example, FL has started to overhaul the whole higher ed system in that state, followed by WI, OK, CT, MO. Today we learned that the state of Arizona has taken similar steps, or even more comprehensive measures to change the course.

The past school board system, and the way how the members are selected have proved to be failed, big time.  It is, in fact, important contributors to the whole mess.  The Association has raised the question in its BLOG, about six years ago.  It is the pat-on-the-back culture or system.  They, members of the board are selected, not because they are concerned for the country’s competitiveness or have the idea to apply the NDEA.  Rather, they are either have the money, or have the connection to those who will be the big donors or a yes man, and who will support the administrators, regardless, period.  Are they concerned about the graduation rate improvement or making the institution where they are serving to be more cost-efficient? Please click the following link for the answers of that question.  These findings will tell it all.  Readers have to make their own judgment, after reading the research results.  For sure, they also played important role on increasing US student loans which have reached $1.4 trillion?

We are glad to see, that our independent analyses have positive impacts on shaping-up the US higher education public policy for the better.  We always show the data in our study and share the unbiased and honest conclusions to the public.  We have no interest than to see the country increases its competitive edge in the global arena, as stated in the NDEA.