Do Student Loan Systematic Errors ≈ A Scam?

The general public perceives it as the sameIf this is the case, may be the only option left is solving it through the deregulation.  Meaning the lawmakers need to do something meaningful.  The logic leads one to believe that they, the lawmakers are the one who can solve the issue, one-and-for-all.  So long they stand still, the problem will get worse.  So, Uncle Sam has to decide when to move.  The directions have been analyzed and shared pretty clear.  It is up to the Legislative and Judicative branch to take actions.  It is not, by any means can be solved by Executive.  Executive cannot solve the issue.  Especially when it does not have the interest to do so or it has sided toward the producers of the systematic errors. Until this happens, the American public will continue suffering.  Perhaps, other countries in the world are surprise to find out that the Uncle Sam is so powerless to solve its own problem associated with the skyrocketed student loans.  Perhaps, many economists astounded to learn that a country who has the most Nobel Laureates in Economics cannot solve this simple issue, especially when the examples can be found easily in many Asian countries, such as in Singapore, Japan, India, South Korea or China.