Every year the Fourth of July refreshes the memory of every American citizen about their freedom. As a nation, the Americans have to be thankful for many accomplishments that make its citizens living in a better condition compared to those in many other countries in the world.
However, one also has to think factors that may drag that condition; and those factors potentially will affect the future of the country. This site consistently shares thoughts on the student loans. Mishandling of the loan debt may have negative effects. Systematic errors have transformed the situation from bad to worse, up to a point with a binomial outcome–let the current condition runs its course with minimal or no public policy, until the law makers or the new elected administration completely bails it out. The American public does not need to know that the problem exists until a Wall Street tells the public that there is a serious issue with student loan system for the Street is part of the contributor of the moral hazard.
Happy Fourth!