As the IRI (Institutional Research Intelligence) paradigm evolves overtime, it is important to note several changes to those who are planning to enter the profession. Certain new skill sets are required even to move from traditional IR to first generation of IRI which is Education Analytics. Among over 6000 higher education institutions in the US, only a handful have adopted and adapted their cultures to the new reality. However, majority of them are still operating with the old reporting/BAU mindset. Perhaps, the following are the reasons why:
- The top guys (administrators) may not have a clear understanding of the new competitive environment and how to deal with it strategically.
- Safety first and yes-man attitude, lack of initiative, and choose to be a follower.
- Campus culture, self-interest & status quo. Making decision based on majority votes, instead of data-driven.
- Cannot find the professionals who have the skills sets to run the shop.
- Cannot afford to pay the right price for the right person.
- Making changes are too difficult and cumbersome, and maintaining the status quo is much easier.
- Relied on piecemeal canned software which may not be able to facilitate integration of the entire system.
- Incomplete data problems. Employees are not trained properly to enter/input information correctly. Afraid to enforce such important aspect of data integrity.
- Instead of teaming-up, power struggle between the IT and Analytics Unit.
- Lack of statistical background for those who run the shop, but they want to grip the position despite lack of training, experience, knowledge and skills.