It is Real: Some US Colleges are Downsizing to Avoid Worst Outcomes

About two years ago, we share to the American public on the possible falloff of US colleges that still working under the “old mindset”. In our paper which we have presented at North Carolina Community College Annual Conference in Raleigh followed by a presentation at SAS Users’ Group Conference in Houston, Texas we have argued that the US higher education institutions just cannot survive without making significant changes in the way their manage their institutions. A phenomenal change is necessary to be made, simply because the competitive environments where they are operating has undergone a important structural changes. At the meeting we publicly introduced a new paradigm which may help US higher education institutions to survive in the new sea of competition. This approach is totally different than what it was in the past. The new mindset helps the decision makers to utilize data: both historical institutional, macroeconomics and other competitors’ data to draft their strategic decisions.  Including, but not limited to cut operating cost, increase retention and graduate rate, lower tuition, sharpen marketing and hiring strategies.

When the idea was introduced, people not even look at it and think that we are a bunch of non-sense. However, it is less than two years, what we have hypothesized is true. Below is just an example of what we have said in our paper and book became a reality. Without major changes on the way folks manage the institution, their organization may have to make three options: Get merged, Get bought or Get diluted.

In some cases, it is not that they do not know that the changes are coming, but do not know where to start. Some not even have the energy to start the change.  Some are waiting until the time come so that they can exercise their retirement option.  In addition, there are not enough people with the IRI (Institutional Research Intelligence) skills who can help the decision makers to make sound strategic decisions. Below are just a fraction of college downsizing examples. There are many other institutions cutting their programs, but do it silently with less drama.  Budget crunch and decreasing student enrollment are the two major reasons cited for the program reduction and staff layoff.


Pell Grant, Bad Apples and Rotten Oranges

There are certainly hidden messages that the law makers in Washington DC tried to convey to both US colleges and loan borrowers. Even though the law makers may or may not realize the positive impacts of cutting the Pell Grant and despite the fact that many young people are unhappy on recent Pell Grant policy changes, there are, however, a disguised grand positive objective from the US’ point of view.  Reducing funding and grants is the first step to accelerate the process of restructuring the crippled industry. With so many parties taking advantages of the student loans in negative ways, that have created public outcries and may cause the Uncle Sam goes bankrupt. There are no other ways for the policy makers to re-engineer the outdated system without taking drastic changes such as to turn the lifeline off.

Cutting the Pell Grant is a beginning step to remedy the inefficient system. Right in this moment most important players in the industry seem not to care much on what is happening. People are giving up. Rather than trying to fix the system, they take whatever advantages that they can get. There is no sense of responsibility anymore. Rather, everyone is trying to max out their own (personal) benefit in expense of others, the tax payers.  The institution becomes a vehicle (distribution center) where public money is taken then distributed among the peers.  Smart people called it collegial system.

Squeezing the funding, one of the most important lifelines is a strategic move in effort to restructure the industry. All institutions will feel the pinch, but the ones that got chocked the most are the worst performers, the most inefficient organization in the system. This industry has attracted many politicians, businessmen or women to become school administrators as they retire or close to retire from politics or non-academic world?   There got to be reasons why college president position is so attractive for many of them?   Sad to say that their salary and benefits may have been funded partly by student loans, public money or indirectly grant money from the Uncle Sam. Reducing the availability of funding and grant indirectly serves two purposes. To get rid of both the bad apples and rotten oranges.

Pell Grant Reduction: Impacts on Both Students and US Colleges

The American Public has recently learned how the law makers have proposed to slash $303 million Pell Grant money. There will be several scenarios how the reduction will affect the number of students who will negatively be impacted. However, it does not matter what the scenarios are, they certainly do not look good for both students and certain higher education institutions. There are, several things may happen:
1. Students will take more loans.
2. Students have to work more hours to fill the gap.
3. Theoretically, point # 2 above will have negative impacts on graduation rate.
4. Decreasing on college students enrollment may accelerated, and the magnitude will depend on the elasticity of demand for education services at a certain institution.
5. Drop-out rate may increase and time to graduate may take longer than what it was in the past.
6. Colleges will have to work extra hard to get money from other sources to fill the gap and staff layoff is imminent or has happened.
7. Small private and Liberal Arts Colleges will be impacted most from the new policy, unless they will have a successful capital campaign or fund raising.  Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Cornell, Columbia and the University of Southern California correctly anticipated such an event to occur.  However, smaller colleges are BAU.
8. More colleges will need to close their doors, unless demand for their education increases such that it offsets the reduction in the Pell Grant. Increasing in enrollment may not likely to happen, especially at small private or Liberal Arts colleges as evidence may have shown.
9. In order to survive, some colleges have or may need to downsize their program, especially institutions that are not funded by the state or tax payer money.
10. The growth on student loans debt will certainly increase faster than it has been in the past.
The Association has conducted a study to see the potential impacts of such reduction by state as shown below. Please note that the percentage calculation is just for first-time full-time (freshmen) degree seeking students who receive federal grants money (not just the Pell Grant).


Education Standard and Compliance Commission (ESCC) is Badly Needed

It is not surprise to see, one-by-one the so-called for-profit higher education institutions are falling apart. The society now can see how the business models of these institutions are. As the business of education is getting tighter every day, we will read more about their closures. Unfortunately, almost in all cases, the damages have been done, and students as always are the losers. It will be nice if preventive actions can be applied, but this may not be possible. Not until ESCC is established, because DOE may not have the peripherals to do this job.  If it has, it may not effectively in exercising them or perhaps it does not fall under the DOE jurisdiction and scope of its work. The Association has long suggested that the current system does not have an entity that has the power to conduct audit and compliance on both academic and colleges financial condition. Because of these inherent weaknesses, most of the businessmen are able to get away after accomplishing their short-run objective. Take a real example of what has happened to the Corinthian Colleges. Cheaters will always find the ways to escape. All these facts that are happening in the US higher education industry confirmed how difficult it is to clean up these messes. Until then, the students will always be the one who pay the price.

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AAEA Has Just Hit the Milestone with More than 100K Visitors on the Thanksgiving Day

It is not a celebration, rather a reflection. As professional in both education and in the manufacturing industry, we noticed that the US education industry will not survive given its present practices. In order to make the society aware of the potential problems that the entire US citizens may have to face in the future, we then established the Association of American Education Analytics (AAEA) and to share the new mindset and paradigm to manage US higher education institutions (Institutional Research Intelligence).  When AAEA reveals the problems facing by US Higher Ed and introduced the IRI concept to deal with them, many are skeptical.  But several months later were indirectly confirmed by Harvard University’s VP and CFO, Dan Shore during his interview with Harvard Gazette.  Mr. Shore stressed that the current way to manage US higher education is unsustainable.  Therefore, a new mindset, approaches and paradigms are needed.
In March 2013 we launched AAEA website, since then the number of visitors per day have increased exponentially. We based our analyses on facts, historical data and maintained our independent analyses.  We also introduced the ideas of data-driven decision making process in the industry which may not be widely known prior to AAEA’s existence. Strategic decisions need to be based on research and scientific approaches such as econometrics, statistics and mathematical programming to solve the existing and persisting problems that the industry is facing. All approaches that have been applied by the manufacturing industry such as ABC costing, LEAN, Maket Intelligence, Managerial Economics or Financial Management principles supported by Big Data and Data Scientist capabilities have to be deployed to control the rising colleges’  reckless spending and inefficiency.  Declining enrollment, budget cut and decreasing alumni financial support are several examples of the public’s disapproval of what the US colleges have done in the past and are doing currently. Basically, there are five important changes which shape higher education institutions in the US:
1.Tighter revenue due to less donation money, budget cuts (reminder: Big files, may take awhile to upload) and declining student enrollment.
2. Inappropriate, inefficient pricing decision and reckless decision.
3. Over spending and over-investment.
4. Changes in consumer preference.
5.  An entity such as SEC in the Stock Market is badly needed to deal with current Ineffective compliance and accountability from various players in the industry.  A commission that can impose effective rules and regulations in the education industry needed to deter reckless behaviors.  AAEA has proposed to have ESCC (Education Standard and Compliance Commission) to accomplish such task.

All of the five factors, among others have caused skyrocketed tuition hikes. Some colleges are still BAU and not even understand that they are facing the new landscape of competition. If they know, they think, things will be okay or some of them even denied that there is any problem whatsoever.
However, it only takes a year and a half to see what we have predicted based on our research and intensive studied became realities. Some colleges have to be closed, downsized or got merged as results of less available of resources and increasing consumers’ dissatisfaction across the country. For example the student protests at UC system campuses in the last few weeks. The next questions one might have are that what will be next, what options are available and what needs to be done? AAEA has come out with the IRI paradigm to help ease the challenges. The problem that most US higher education institution is facing can be seen as structural problems in nature. Therefore, the solution to deal with these issues has to be focused on having long-run effects as well. Everything needs to be turned up-side-down in order to make it in order again. However, it may take years for the messes have been piled up during an extended period of time. There is no magic medication. Everyone has to work together to take care of the problem. This is the team work, this is the country problem and it is not just one college issue. It is the whole country problem. Without support from every player in the industry, nothing can be done and students will continue to suffer.

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After California, Here Comes the State of Washington Planned Higher Ed Budget Cut

Education budget cut did not just happen in CA, Washington’s Office of Financial Management recently warned the state’s public universities to expect around 15% budget cut.  AAEA will present what the revenue and operating expenses look like for selected state universities and Community Colleges in the state of Washington.  To see the graphs in detail, please click the figure below.

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Administrative/Overhead Cost at Selected UC Campuses

Administrative or overhead cost is one of the most difficult expenses to manage.  Even in the manufacturing industry, overhead cost is one of the hot button issues for it directly affects the competitiveness of a company. Therefore, intensive research has been done in the areas for decades.  While the manufacturing industry has made important progress to control the overhead cost, the questions one might have if US colleges and universities have tried to  minimize, manage or control such cost?  Most people agree that the overhead cost does  have impacts on the tuition, raising college education cost and the amount of student loans that they have to take.  The Association has completed studies which focus on higher education institutions under the umbrella of UC System.  Please click the US map below to learn more (may take awhile to upload, big file).

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Trend of Student Loans at Selected UC Campuses

Students across UC campuses are continuing their tuition-hike protests, while the involved parties continued their heated debate. The Association has compiled and studied the student loans issues at selected UC campuses (2000-2010). To see the results, please click here.  Surely the amount of money students have to take is trending up across the schools under the UC system.

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How Californians Have Spent Their State Budget

The graph below present the historical picture of how the state of California has allocated and spent their budget in the past years.  Future projections are also shown in the same graph.  Education spending in CA has steadily increased over time. It seems increases in the spending has been taken from other posts such as health and welfare.

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University of California System: Revenue and Operating Cost Comparisons

One of the hottest topics discussed in the US national news recently is on UC System decision to increase tuition by 5 percent for the next 5 years.  The pros and cons have their own arguments.  As part of the Association’s commitment toward improving higher education in the US, it shares a study on cost and revenue of universities and colleges in California (2000-2010).  These data show the administrators’ performance on managing their respective institution.  Judge yourself, which side of the argument is supported by the facts and which one isn’t.  Please click the following link to study the facts.

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