There are two choices when one is speaking about unemployment versus Inflation. (1). One can have to pay lower price, but unemployed due to labor market contractions; or (2). Have a job, though pay higher prices.
The Americans have spoken, days before the polls are closed. They would rather to have a job, rather than being unemployed. The logic is simple, having a job will likely enable one to pay the bills. On the other hand, zero income due to unemployed will shut the door to be able to pay the bills–it does not matter how small the amount is. This is the choice of survival. Living under higher prices situation may not be the best options but it is surely a second best, especially for families with young kids, where mom or dad has to work on several jobs to keep the bread and butter on the table. Voters have used their rationale who they think will help them to keep their jobs, and their family intact. Voters have seen who helped them to cancel their unfairly charged student loans. Voters have seen who provided them with the vaccines during the pandemic-while the other side denied that Covid-19 even existed. Congrats America! You have made up your mind, based on facts-not myths.
Judging from the Wall Street–where the DOW goes green in the past 2 trading days (10/21 and 10/24, at 9:22am) can be seen as the verdict. For whatever reason, it seems that the FED yields, or realizes the less than perfect decision that it has made in the past several weeks was not going too well. That reflects the danger of basically relied on economic mathematical simulation model without further thinking the repercussions of a policy change. The model has been developed under certain past circumstances, but fail to accommodate the dynamics that are happening in the global market, as well as in the domestic market–such as the shrinkage of the water level in the Mississippi river due to climate change. It seems simple–but think what is going to happen if the grains transportation system through the river is disrupted? Surely, it will affect the bread retail prices at the stores, or it affects the feeds used by chicken, beef or hog operators through out the nation in the input market. Hopefully in the FED’s future model, it will add the climate change equation, in addition to oil and other macro economic equations. However, the residual term magnitude will never go to zero–it does not matter how small the epsilon is.
What happens in the (stock) market can be used as a proxy of FED’s future policy on interest rate. The market has anticipated that the FED will (or has) push (pushed) the breaks, at least for now. These results can also be used to predict the midterm outcomes, days before the polls closed.
If anyone thinks that the gas price will go back at a level of five years ago–that perhaps just a day dream. If Americans think that they can live in the same condition (during the time of Andy Griffith shows were produced) before COVID–that is an absurd and wishful thinking. The new world economy has shifted–from cheap to expensive–while your salary has not changed a lot. What has made the world changed dramatically? It was COVID. However, what we meant by COVID in this article, is not just COVID-19 with all its variants. Rather COVID that not too many people are talking about. It is COVID every where, it is on the financial markets, it is on politics; it is on family member relationships; it is on your insurance copay; it’s at schools (read: school shooting) across the nation–it is everywhere.
Therefore, when you think about COVID–it is not just affected your raspatory-lung system. Rather, it is also on your other systems such as your pockets As it is for COVID-19 to stay forever in the world; and will never disappear–so does inflation. The general price (read: inflation) increases as the new COVID in prices, will stay–and it will not go away. It does not matter who will control the US Senate and House–or who will be in the other executive branch. Like COVID-19–no one can control its coming and going–so does the inflation.
The ones that are concerned only to get your votes, will promise that they can make the financial-COVID (read: Inflation) goes away, then one needs to ask her or him, the following question: do you have the vaccines ready to treat it? If people cannot think logically, then how can he or she can solve the inflation problem. They always use the same narrative–and that is, if I lose, it means someone has cheated on me. Blaming on someone else as a unilateral platform, rather than to think logically how to solve the nation problem, is an obvious sign of incompetent, lies and deceits. How can one logical person has to be forced to accept that the answer of 1 + 1 = 10 (read: the claim that there is no Covid-19, even though he or she has contracted the disease).
But, as it is now you have a job–that is a prove that you are better-off. Though, you have to pay higher price at the grocery stores; you can do it because you still have a job. However, if you get fired because the company where you have been working has to close their operation. then you will have zero income. It does not matter how low the inflation or stuff at the grocery stores–you can not pay for it, for you are unemployed. Logical folks will choose being employed, and willing to pay higher grocery prices than being unemployed with zero income.
Frequent, if not 24 hours, the US media continually reporting how the inflation becomes a hot topic, and perhaps most likely to be the decision point of American voters. After watching a law grad student who was interviewed (with vague answers/ideas about inflation), by one of the networks, AAEA is motivated to shed the light on such issue. AAEA will help the voters to understand the problem in a simple graph, yet complicated enough for one that has not had economic 101 to comprehend what is presenting in this BLOG. Please look at the Figure 1 below.
Historically, the FED has set the interest rate pretty low to encourage consumers to borrow, and buy stuff, especially during the pandemic–which is justifiable. The results of such a policy were to move aggregate demand curve or line from D1 to D2, where D1 is the aggregate demand in absent of FED’s policy. Without market intervention, the general price is denoted by P1. After the FED’s intervention–that cause aggregate demand to increase as well as the general price from P1 to P2. This general increase, or known as inflation becomes the talking points of folks in the campaign trails. Unfortunately, most voters are illiterate about the causes-and-effects, such that they are badly manipulated. So, read our honest BLOG, and listen less to the ones that only have interest on your votes, and not on your well-being. So, the FED is trying to control the inflation, by increasing interest rate. However, the effects of this policy are:
Higher interest rate meant to lower the aggregate demand for goods and services across the industry. Fortunately, Americans are able to cope with the price increase.
Weaker demand for goods and services will cause the industry sector to suffer for over-production and increase operational cost due to inventory accumulation.
Consequently of point#2 is that demand for labor will drop, and the end-results will be increasing UNEMPLOYMENT.
How can one keep the inflation under control without causing increase UNEMPLOYMENT. This can be done as expressed in Figure – 1 above by shifting the Supply line from S1 to S2. Yes, this is in theory, and in reality how can the industry sector has the incentives to invest, and expand its output from Q1 to Q3. This requires a team work from people with different colors in the society. One color alone won’t solve the American problem. Hopefully, the law makers will understand Figure-1 above, and start to work as a team.
When people have a job; they HAVE THE PURCHASING POWER–THOUGH WEAKER. But, if people are unemployed, and no income, they cannot afford to buy stuff, but have to rely more heavily on the government’s program. The Wall Street knows exactly this is the case–in that the FED cannot use the old strategies, wisdoms and rely on the old mathematical economic and simulation models 🙂 to deal with the new world economy without destroying the whole house (Read: US economy as a whole–by increasing interest rate). As results, the DOW increased by 748.97 points on Friday–October 21, 2022. America, it is your choice to make on November 8, 2022. Either to go unemployed & rely on food stamps OR employed & able to pay stuff at a higher price.
As the Americans are heading to cast their votes, there are so many distractions, lies, or even empty promises that have been thrown out there to lure voters. All these campaigns can be grouped into two categories-either lies or truthfulness. In such a case, the only way that voters can choose correctly is based on logical analyses and data in the decision making process. This BLOG article shows voters that it does not matter what the colors of one has-either green or olive. Data do not lie. Data do not depend on what the colors are. Data are reality–the presentation of facts; and they can be verified based on logic. Voters will hear either information, or worse yet dis-information, during this special events. For example, people are taking how bad the current economy is; or how expensive the gas price is. All of these inflation and rising food price talks are happening all over the world–and are just specifically occurring in the US. Needless to say that the US economy is still the best in the world–and thanks to the talent of those who are managing the economy which is, by far is still better than those of in other countries. Factors that affect all the high price–or the inflation if one wishes to call it, are affected by both external and internal factors. Crude oil importers cannot tell the exporting countries to sell their product at a price that the consumers want to pay (in extreme case–consumers always want to get everything for FREE, right?). Luckily, the Adam Smith’s infeasible hand always governs the market. It is all about demand and supply–and what is happening in the US, is just a shift in asset allocations due to uncertainties such as wars, global warming, exploding world population or geopolitics. None of these external factors can be controlled by anyone’s color, because they are independent–the world is bigger than any specific country. Therefore, using these external phenomena on the campaign trails are just reflections of lies, illogical, wishful thinking, and deceits. No one, in this planet–regardless of his color can govern droughts and make the level of Mississippi river back to the 50’s again. I wish, that I could!. Therefore, do not let deceit govern your life.
The good news for the student loans (SL) borrowers continues this week. It first started with ITT SL cancellations. On August 30, 2022 AAEA learned that the DOE announced the 79K Westwood College’s SL borrowers have been cancelled. For many years, AAEA has done analyses based on historical data, and arrived in the conclusions that, some, if not all for-profit colleges or not-for profit higher educational institutions have tainted business model. Could, however, these defunct colleges solely to be blamed? Of course, there so many factors plays important roles in creating the unfortunate situation. One of them is lack-of-government control., i.e., audit on many aspects of higher ed. There are 2 main factors contributed to the problem. They are: (1). Academic related, and (2). Money related issues. The academic related issues are hoped to be managed through accreditation agencies. But, it proved to yield mediocre results. On the money side, one cannot see real efforts from the government to control the college operating cost.
Needless to say, recent policy taken on student loans by the current administration became headlines and hot national debate in the US media. From the public comments, one would be able to classified them into two groups, where are they coming from: Opponents (OG) and Supporters (SG) group.
Including in the OG are those (1). Who never agreed on anything, if any policy comes from another isle. Called these people as a permanent opposition. This group often, if not all the time operates under the illogical and irrational countered assumptions. (2). The second cluster in this group are those who try to seize the moment to be in 15 minutes fame, even though they have to adopt irrational reasoning such as one plus one is not equal to two, but ten.
Including in the SG or second group are the “ungrateful” folks. People classified in this group are those who never feel enough. These complainers never satisfy with what have been given to them, They want more, and more and more. However, if one asks them what have they done to help themselves, there will be zero answer. Classified in this group are those poor decision makers who cannot see the consequences of their actions. For example, in each new semester student A registers to take 12 credit hours. However, on the middle-of-the semester drop 9 credit hours, and left only with 3 hours. Consequently, it will take her or him forever to complete the program. As results, her or his loans are ballooning. These folks then say the $10K or $20K cancellations are not enough. They want more. They want someone else to pay for their mistakes. Often this group plays as if they are the victim or use the sympathy as strategies to justify and to cover-up their weaknesses.
Therefore, it does not matter what one color is. One can always be able to identify both groups as irrational. Therefore, one should not be bothered of what their comments are. The reason is simple, because both group cannot do a basic reasoning, other than complaining. They are not problem solvers, but problem makers. Otherwise, they will be genuine supporters of using data and honesty principles to make inference and to govern their lives.
On August 24, 2022, the government announced to the American student loans borrowers that $10k or $20k for Pell recipients of their loans will be cancelled. It is truly amazing what AAEA has voiced to the American public many years ago, has finally became a reality. For years, AAEA has argued, and laid out the fundamental economic theory, the logic, and findings based on historical data and statistical analyses, of why such a policy is necessary. Some say, the timing is politically motivated because of the midterm elections. The facts are that such a cut will help million of borrowers, regardless of the political events that are going on. The average working class in America cares less about politics. Therefore, it does not matter what the motivations were, but to see the reality, the real positive impacts to the average American working class. The facts that the sufferings of young and adult Americans who have been treated as a working bees for many years to satisfy the Wall Street have been relinquished. It is all about common sense, and not because deep, blue, green, red, white, black or yellow states. Rather, the state of logic that matters. Majority of the American public follows the mass or collective consciousness or collective conscience which helps the society as a whole to navigate the ignorance, lies, deceit or disinformation. People have to start using their own rationality and consciousness in the decision making process. If every single American uses her or his own deductive reasoning to make inference, rather than believing on spread rumors or because the “Caesar” said so, kind of things, then collective conscience (CC) will or can be formed. This CC then is a powerful mechanism or tool to reject or to avoid making collective mistakes such that believing on illogical news spread among members of the American society.
CONGRATULATIONS AMERICA. You have shown your strength!!
Based on the DOE’s website, written on August 19, 2022, an accrediting agency role by the name of ACICS has been terminated. ACICS stands for Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. AAEA has written several articles about the role of this agency in the past few years. This long overdue termination does not surprise AAEA. In fact, the Association is surprise why it took two administrations to make such an important decision? Based on this fact, then, one can make an inference, which administration has prioritized the need of the working bees in the country.